Swiss Visions ─ 新世代の表現手法

30. 3月 2024
Photo at the venue: Neoplus Sixten Inc.
主催は2018年に設立された日瑞建築文化協会(JSAA)。第3回目のイベントととなる今回、1980年代前半生まれのスイスの建築家4組、BYJUNG、Truwant + Rodet +、WALDRAP、Weyell Zipseのの映像・音によるインスタレーションを展示する。
The Japan Swiss Architectural Association (JSAA) is pleased to announce the opening of an exhibition of video and sound installations “Swiss Visions - A New Generation of Architectural Expressions” by four Swiss architects: BYJUNG / Truwant+Rodet+ / WALDRAP / Weyell Zipse.
Taking advantage of the characteristics of the venue, Axis Gallery, the images are projected at full height. Along with the life-size images (the video is 5 minutes for each architect.), sound, which is important to the spatial experience, will be played and exhibited along with drawings and photographs. Architectural Expressions of Today by Swiss Architects.
BY JUNG / バイ・ユング
BY JUNG is an architectural practice founded in 2019 by Jonas Ulmer and Nathan Ghiringhelli. It is based in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. The studio pro­poses an architecture that is both imaginative and functional, conceptual and intuitive. Our focus lies on the design of unique and beautiful spaces.
Truwant + Rodet + / トゥルワン+ロデ+
Truwant + Rodet + is a Basel-based architecture studio founded in 2015 by Charlotte Truwant and Dries Rodet. Their backgrounds, shaped by various international experiences in Switzerland, Belgium, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Brussels, and Japan, rein­forced their curiosity and interest beyond architecture to look into broader fields of investigation such as scenography, landscape urbanism, research, and education.
Truwant + Rodet +の映像
WALDRAP / ワルドラップ
Waldrap is a collaboration between Renate Walter and Sebastian Lippock Pock. Interpreting the conditions of the contemporary world, they manipulate complexity and contradiction to create new relationships between programme and context. They attempt to make these tense relationships stable, resistant, but beautiful.
Weyell Zipse / ヴァイエル・チプセ
Weyell Zipse is an architectural practice founded in 2015 in Basel by Christian Weyell and Kai Zipse. Both partners have previously taught at ETH Zurich, and were appointed guest professors at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2024. The practice was nominated for the Swiss Art Awards in 2021, the DAM Preis 2024 for Architecture in Germany, and received the Best architects 24 award in Gold.
Weyell Zipseの映像
【スイス・ヴィジョン ─ 新世代の表現手法】
Swiss Visions - A New Generation of A rchitectural Expressions
会期:2024年3月29日(金) - 4月14日(日)
   開催時間 11:00~20:00(最終日は18:00まで)
会場:アクシスギャラリー (東京都港区六本木5-17-1 アクシスビル4F)
主催:一般社団法人 日瑞建築文化協会 (JSAA)

Date: March 29th (Fri) - April 14th (Sun) 2024
         Opening hour: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
         *Please note: Video installation will not be shown during the talk event on
         March 30th (Sat)5:00-6:30pm and April 12th (Fri) 7:00-8:30pm
Venue: AXIS Gallery / AXIS Bldg 4F, 5-17-1 Roppongi Minatoku Tokyo
Admissions: Free
Organized by: Japan Swiss Architectural Association
Special Support: Embassy of Switzerland in Japan
Support: AXIS Gallery

Posted by Neoplus Sixten Inc.
