


東京都 二子玉川ライズ, 2023

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

"The Monument of Requiem" for Tsukui Yamayuri-en

Kanagawa, 2021

The Water Mirror to Connect to the Sky A large vessel measuring approximately two meters across and made of polished black granite sits ...


Hublot Tower

Ginza, 2020

STUDIOFORMA started working on the HUBLOT TOWER in 2017. Seeing the outcome three years later fills us with pure joy. In March 2020, HUBL...

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

Shirayuri Gakuen Paulinian Hall – Facade design

Tokyo, 2018

Shirayuri Gakuen in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward is a comprehensive private girls' junior and senior high school. We were responsible for designi...

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

Duo Hills Minami-Machida – The Garden

Tokyo, 2019

Duo Hills Minami-Machida THE GARDEN is situated near Minami-Machida Station, which has become a popular area due to recent developments, ...

Daigo Ishii + Future-scape Architects

House of Toilet

Ibuki-jima Island, Kanonji-city, Kagawa, 2013

A public toilet was built on Ibukijima Island of Setouchi Inner Sea as one of the artworks in Art Setouchi Triennale 2013. Periphery / ...

エマニュエル・ムホー アーキテクチャー + デザイン



「自然界で植物が見せる美しさ。 木々の連なりや、花の彩り、葉脈の流れ、細胞の結びつき。 全ては規則正しい調和をもっている。 edaはその自然界の法則に従い、フォルムを決定している。 edaは繊細な線の集まり。 ひとつひとつは真直ぐに存在し、大きな複雑が、小さなシンプルを内包...

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