How is Life?―地球と生きるためのデザイン
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Manabu Chiba, Seng Kuan, Tsuyoshi Tane | 25. 2月 2023
All photos by Neoplus Sixten Inc.
TOTOギャラリー・間で開催の「How is Life?―地球と生きるためのデザイン」。運営委員である塚本由晴、千葉学、セン・クアン、田根剛をキューレーターとして、建築やデザインを介した、成長を前提としない繁栄のあり方を探る展覧会(2022年10月21日~2023年3月19日)。We explores ways in which architecture and design can be employed to achieve prosperity not premised on growth.
建築が人々の暮らしをよりよくすることに奉仕するものであるならば、そうした包囲網を障壁として発見し、挑んでいくことから、建築的営為を始めるべきだろう。その時話し合いのテーブルにつくのは、今ここにいる自分達だけでなく、立場の弱い人、地球の別の場所にいる人、未来の人、そしてヒト以外の生物かもしれない。「How is Life?」という、彼ら、そして私達自身への問いかけを、建築展という形にする試みに、ご期待あれ。」
How is Life?—Designing for Earth
The period of growth since the advent of the Industrial Revolution has taken us to a point beyond the planetary boundaries*1, as we continue to exploit the voiceless and overdraft from future generations, while climate change and the North/South divide escalate at increasing speeds. The United Nation’s sustainable development goals implore us to reduce our environmental impact while holding onto industries that drive growth and provide us with the easy life, but the reality is dire, and now we must start thinking about prosperity without growth*2 rather than sustainable growth. We must look at not just industries, but how we live, and examine how we can reduce our burden on earth in every aspect, every component of life itself. Long accustomed to acquiring goods and services from the industrialized economy, we no longer have the skills to obtain food, clothing, shelter, and energy on our own, and the nexus of industrialized society does not allow for convenient escape from its grasp. It is not easy to subvert the production-consumption-disposal paradigm, which is entrenched in the built environment developed in the second half of the twentieth century in which we continue to live. The self-portrait we have until now has been the constant replication of a built environment and convenient lifestyle based on the same assumptions. How do we escape from this pernicious cycle so that we can begin to live in an era of prosperity without growth?
If architecture is about the betterment of people’s lives, the work of architects should begin with the discovery — and triumph over — such encirclements. It is likely that the people sharing the same table at that time are not just us, here and now, but also disenfranchised people, people in other parts of the world, people of the future, and non-human creatures. We ask them, and ourselves, too: “How is Life?” We pose this question here, in the form of an architectural exhibition.
建築が人々の暮らしをよりよくすることに奉仕するものであるならば、そうした包囲網を障壁として発見し、挑んでいくことから、建築的営為を始めるべきだろう。その時話し合いのテーブルにつくのは、今ここにいる自分達だけでなく、立場の弱い人、地球の別の場所にいる人、未来の人、そしてヒト以外の生物かもしれない。「How is Life?」という、彼ら、そして私達自身への問いかけを、建築展という形にする試みに、ご期待あれ。」
How is Life?—Designing for Earth
The period of growth since the advent of the Industrial Revolution has taken us to a point beyond the planetary boundaries*1, as we continue to exploit the voiceless and overdraft from future generations, while climate change and the North/South divide escalate at increasing speeds. The United Nation’s sustainable development goals implore us to reduce our environmental impact while holding onto industries that drive growth and provide us with the easy life, but the reality is dire, and now we must start thinking about prosperity without growth*2 rather than sustainable growth. We must look at not just industries, but how we live, and examine how we can reduce our burden on earth in every aspect, every component of life itself. Long accustomed to acquiring goods and services from the industrialized economy, we no longer have the skills to obtain food, clothing, shelter, and energy on our own, and the nexus of industrialized society does not allow for convenient escape from its grasp. It is not easy to subvert the production-consumption-disposal paradigm, which is entrenched in the built environment developed in the second half of the twentieth century in which we continue to live. The self-portrait we have until now has been the constant replication of a built environment and convenient lifestyle based on the same assumptions. How do we escape from this pernicious cycle so that we can begin to live in an era of prosperity without growth?
If architecture is about the betterment of people’s lives, the work of architects should begin with the discovery — and triumph over — such encirclements. It is likely that the people sharing the same table at that time are not just us, here and now, but also disenfranchised people, people in other parts of the world, people of the future, and non-human creatures. We ask them, and ourselves, too: “How is Life?” We pose this question here, in the form of an architectural exhibition.
21世紀に生きる我々は豊かな暮らしを享受する一方で、気候変動や社会格差、感染症の拡大等による世界情勢の変化など、さまざまな課題に直面している。こうした状況を受け、地球環境に対し建築に何ができるのか、運営委員は議論を重ね、建築を「人びとの暮らしをよりよくすることに奉仕するもの」として捉え直し、生活に関連するあらゆる分野に目を向けてみると、私たちを取り巻く障壁に風穴を開けるような事例の芽がいたるところで見つかった。本展ではキュレーターチームからの問いかけ「How is Life?」に答えている古今東西の多彩な事例をリサーチから見いだし、紹介している。
Although we have come to enjoy plentiful lifestyles in the 21st century, we also face a variety of issues such as climate change, social inequality, epidemics, and the shifts in global dynamics brought on by these things. Concerned by this situation, we held a series of discussions with our committee members about the possibilities of what architecture could do for the Earth’s environment. It was during these talks that we recast our eyes over the various facets of our everyday lives while reframing architecture as something that serves to make people’s lives better, leading us to discover many budding model projects that may help us overcome the barriers encircling us today.
Although we have come to enjoy plentiful lifestyles in the 21st century, we also face a variety of issues such as climate change, social inequality, epidemics, and the shifts in global dynamics brought on by these things. Concerned by this situation, we held a series of discussions with our committee members about the possibilities of what architecture could do for the Earth’s environment. It was during these talks that we recast our eyes over the various facets of our everyday lives while reframing architecture as something that serves to make people’s lives better, leading us to discover many budding model projects that may help us overcome the barriers encircling us today.
各展示物の横にはリサーチの結果、「How is Life?」の問いかけに対するアイデアと解説ハンドアウトとして持ち帰ることができる。の短冊が掛けてあるので、「いいな」と思ったらそれを取る。
〈Capital Agricole〉
Art Work: Yann Kebbi|Planning: Augustin Rosenstiehl, architecte / SOA|Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, France|2018
環境危機に直面し, 農業の価値を再認識したパリにおいて, 農園が農家と都市住民を結び付けるアンカーとして位置付けられ, 2018年, 未来の都市像を描く展覧会が開催された. フランス人アーティストヤン・ケビ氏によるドローイングには, 農業を基盤とした全く新しいパリの街並みが描かれた.
Shaken by the environmental crisis, the inhabitants of the metropolis are reconsidering agriculture, integrated into urban visions where the farm becomes an anchor between farmer and city dweller. The cartography of the agricultural metropolis is depicted in original drawings by French artist Yann Kebbi.
〈Capital Agricole〉
Art Work: Yann Kebbi|Planning: Augustin Rosenstiehl, architecte / SOA|Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, France|2018
環境危機に直面し, 農業の価値を再認識したパリにおいて, 農園が農家と都市住民を結び付けるアンカーとして位置付けられ, 2018年, 未来の都市像を描く展覧会が開催された. フランス人アーティストヤン・ケビ氏によるドローイングには, 農業を基盤とした全く新しいパリの街並みが描かれた.
Shaken by the environmental crisis, the inhabitants of the metropolis are reconsidering agriculture, integrated into urban visions where the farm becomes an anchor between farmer and city dweller. The cartography of the agricultural metropolis is depicted in original drawings by French artist Yann Kebbi.
〈La Ferme du Rail〉
Organizer: Grand Huit and Mélanie Brevet Paysagiste|Paris, France|2019-
地元の生態系を活かす都市・農業モデルを提示する, 地域の連帯プログラムである. パリを囲む旧環状鉄道路線「プティト・サンチュール」の廃線沿いに位置し, 困窮する人びとには宿泊施設を, 失業者には農業活動に関するトレーニングプログラムを提供し, 社会的包摂と雇用のあり方を刺激する.
“La Ferme du Rail” is a neighborhood solidarity program that offers an urban / agricultural model with its roots in the local ecosystem. Located on the edge of the “Petite Ceinture,” an obsolete railway track that encloses Paris, it provides accommodation to people in need and offers unemployed individual straining programs on agricultural activities, stimulating social inclusion and employability.
Organizer: Grand Huit and Mélanie Brevet Paysagiste|Paris, France|2019-
地元の生態系を活かす都市・農業モデルを提示する, 地域の連帯プログラムである. パリを囲む旧環状鉄道路線「プティト・サンチュール」の廃線沿いに位置し, 困窮する人びとには宿泊施設を, 失業者には農業活動に関するトレーニングプログラムを提供し, 社会的包摂と雇用のあり方を刺激する.
“La Ferme du Rail” is a neighborhood solidarity program that offers an urban / agricultural model with its roots in the local ecosystem. Located on the edge of the “Petite Ceinture,” an obsolete railway track that encloses Paris, it provides accommodation to people in need and offers unemployed individual straining programs on agricultural activities, stimulating social inclusion and employability.
〈都市林業/Urban Forestry〉
運営=ユグチヨシユキ(都市森林株式会社, 一般社団法人街の木ものづくりネットワーク)|東京都|2013-
2012年に設立された, 都市森林株式会社・ユグチヨシユキ氏による, まちなかの木々を資源とみなしてその活用を行うプロジェクト. 木々の観察・診断, 伐採,製材, 苗木づくりといった工程からなる独自の林業を手掛け, 各工程を地域住民に開くイベントを主催している.
Organizer: Yoshiyuki Yuguchi (Urban forestry Inc., Machino-ki Monodukuri Network)|Tokyo, Japan|2013-
Established in 2012, Urban Forestry Inc., is a project by Yoshiyuki Yuguchi that aims to view trees in the city as a resource for the community. The company engages in a unique forestry business that consists of processes such as observation and diagnosis of trees, felling, sawing, and sapling production, and sponsors events to open each process to residents.
運営=ユグチヨシユキ(都市森林株式会社, 一般社団法人街の木ものづくりネットワーク)|東京都|2013-
2012年に設立された, 都市森林株式会社・ユグチヨシユキ氏による, まちなかの木々を資源とみなしてその活用を行うプロジェクト. 木々の観察・診断, 伐採,製材, 苗木づくりといった工程からなる独自の林業を手掛け, 各工程を地域住民に開くイベントを主催している.
Organizer: Yoshiyuki Yuguchi (Urban forestry Inc., Machino-ki Monodukuri Network)|Tokyo, Japan|2013-
Established in 2012, Urban Forestry Inc., is a project by Yoshiyuki Yuguchi that aims to view trees in the city as a resource for the community. The company engages in a unique forestry business that consists of processes such as observation and diagnosis of trees, felling, sawing, and sapling production, and sponsors events to open each process to residents.
〈ReBuilding Center JAPAN〉
長野県諏訪市にある倉庫と作業場, カフェが併設された店舗を拠点に, 地域で民家が解体される現場に出向き, 古材・古道具を「レスキュー(救出)」し, 清掃して種類やサイズごとに並べ, あるいは加工して製品化することで価値付けを行う. カフェでは, 未出荷野菜をレスキューしたメニューも提供されている.
Organizer: ReBuilding Center JAPAN|Nagano, Japan|2016-
With a headquarters in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture combining a warehouse, workshop, and café, this initiative goes to sites where private homes are being demolished in the community to “rescue” house parts that could be reused, like wood and tools. After cleaning them and arranging them by type and size, Rebuilding Center Japan processes these items into products with newly added value. The café also offers a menu made with normally unshippable to the market vegetables.
長野県諏訪市にある倉庫と作業場, カフェが併設された店舗を拠点に, 地域で民家が解体される現場に出向き, 古材・古道具を「レスキュー(救出)」し, 清掃して種類やサイズごとに並べ, あるいは加工して製品化することで価値付けを行う. カフェでは, 未出荷野菜をレスキューしたメニューも提供されている.
Organizer: ReBuilding Center JAPAN|Nagano, Japan|2016-
With a headquarters in Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture combining a warehouse, workshop, and café, this initiative goes to sites where private homes are being demolished in the community to “rescue” house parts that could be reused, like wood and tools. After cleaning them and arranging them by type and size, Rebuilding Center Japan processes these items into products with newly added value. The café also offers a menu made with normally unshippable to the market vegetables.
〈小さな地球/Small Earth〉
制作=小さな地球+ 東京工業大学塚本由晴研究室|千葉県鴨川市釜沼 | 2021-
千葉県鴨川市の棚田集落で, 林良樹氏(1999年移住), 福岡達也氏(2020年移住)と塚本が一般社団法人「小さな地球」を設立し, 里山の再生を行っている. きっかけは2019年の台風で林の古民家が被災したことだが, 棚田での米作りから耕作放棄地や山林の環境整備, 古民家の再生, そのコミュニティスペースとしての運営まで, 里山の暮らしに密着した多様な活動を展開している. 東京工業大学塚本研究室では, ドローイングによってそれらの活動を記録している.
Production: small-earth + Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology|Chiba, Japan|2021-
In a terraced rice field community in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture, migrants Yoshiki Hayashi (immigrated in 1999) and Tatsuya Fukuoka (immigrated in2020) and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto established a general incorporated association by the name of “Small Earth,” with a goal to revitalize the satoyama economy of the area. Although the impetus came from the damage caused by a typhoon in the fall of2019 to the old private house where Hayashi lived, the group has been developing diverse activities closely related to life in the satoyama. From rice cultivation in terraced fields to the environmental maintenance of the abandoned farmland and mountain forests, to the restoration of old private houses and their operation as community spaces. The Tsukamoto Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology documents these activities through drawings.
制作=小さな地球+ 東京工業大学塚本由晴研究室|千葉県鴨川市釜沼 | 2021-
千葉県鴨川市の棚田集落で, 林良樹氏(1999年移住), 福岡達也氏(2020年移住)と塚本が一般社団法人「小さな地球」を設立し, 里山の再生を行っている. きっかけは2019年の台風で林の古民家が被災したことだが, 棚田での米作りから耕作放棄地や山林の環境整備, 古民家の再生, そのコミュニティスペースとしての運営まで, 里山の暮らしに密着した多様な活動を展開している. 東京工業大学塚本研究室では, ドローイングによってそれらの活動を記録している.
Production: small-earth + Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology|Chiba, Japan|2021-
In a terraced rice field community in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture, migrants Yoshiki Hayashi (immigrated in 1999) and Tatsuya Fukuoka (immigrated in2020) and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto established a general incorporated association by the name of “Small Earth,” with a goal to revitalize the satoyama economy of the area. Although the impetus came from the damage caused by a typhoon in the fall of2019 to the old private house where Hayashi lived, the group has been developing diverse activities closely related to life in the satoyama. From rice cultivation in terraced fields to the environmental maintenance of the abandoned farmland and mountain forests, to the restoration of old private houses and their operation as community spaces. The Tsukamoto Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology documents these activities through drawings.
〈Tool Shed〉
道具提供=ユグチヨシユキ(都市林業), 小さな地球, くさかんむり(茅葺普請), 石積み学校, 東京工業大学塚本研究室| 設計=アリソン理恵
木を挽く大鋸や, 田んぼを整える鍬, 茅葺を仕上げる鋏, 石を持ち上げる鉄の棒など, 出展プロジェクトの現場で用いられる道具を納めた. 各道具は固有の材料・作業に紐付き, それに合わせた名をもつ.
Owners: Yoshiyuki Yuguchi (Urban Forestry), Small Earth, KUSAKANMURI (Thatch roofing), Dry Stone Walling School of Japan, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology | Design: Rie Allison
This Tool Shed assembles tools that have been used in the actual sites of the exhibited projects. These tools include among others: a large saw used for sawing wood, a hoe for clearing rice paddies, a pair of scissors for thatch finishing, and an iron rod for levering up piles of stones. Each tool is associated with a specific material and task, and is named accordingly.
道具提供=ユグチヨシユキ(都市林業), 小さな地球, くさかんむり(茅葺普請), 石積み学校, 東京工業大学塚本研究室| 設計=アリソン理恵
木を挽く大鋸や, 田んぼを整える鍬, 茅葺を仕上げる鋏, 石を持ち上げる鉄の棒など, 出展プロジェクトの現場で用いられる道具を納めた. 各道具は固有の材料・作業に紐付き, それに合わせた名をもつ.
Owners: Yoshiyuki Yuguchi (Urban Forestry), Small Earth, KUSAKANMURI (Thatch roofing), Dry Stone Walling School of Japan, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology | Design: Rie Allison
This Tool Shed assembles tools that have been used in the actual sites of the exhibited projects. These tools include among others: a large saw used for sawing wood, a hoe for clearing rice paddies, a pair of scissors for thatch finishing, and an iron rod for levering up piles of stones. Each tool is associated with a specific material and task, and is named accordingly.
〈Land and Labor〉左
Organizer: Terremoto|California, U.S.A.|2013-
建設会社Terremotoによる,ランドスケープ業界の「労働に対する認識の問題」についての提唱活動である. 建築家とデザイナーが仕事のすべての評価と地位を受け取っているという事実を批判し, ランドスケープデザイン界の舞台裏に,移民労働者たちの低賃金の肉体労働があることを指摘している.
“Land and Labor” is the advocacy initiative of Landscape architecture firm Terremoto, addressing Landscape Architecture’s “labor acknowledgment problem.” By criticizing the fact that architects and designers receive all of the attention and status for the work, Terremoto is showing the behind the scenes of landscape design; the manual labor of low-wage immigrant workers.
〈石積み学校/Dry Stone Walling School of Japan〉中
運営=一般社団法人石積み学校|徳島県|2013- | 石積み指導=真田純子(東京工業大学)
等高線を読んで石を積み, 農地・宅地・道をつくる土木技術は, 人間とそれ以外の関係を断ち切らない.石を積んだ隙間からは, 水や空気, 生き物が絶えず往来し, 共存している. 「石積み学校」では口伝だった技術を誰もがわかるように翻訳し, 工学的にその原理を捉え, 各地で石積みを実践する.
Organizer: Dry Stone Walling School of Japan|Tokushima, Japan|2013-|Masonry Instruction: Junko Sanada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
What if a civil engineering technology existed, which instead of severing the relationship between humans and the rest of the world, reads contour lines, piles stones, and creates farmlands, residential areas, and roads? Water, air, and living creatures constantly flow within the “gaps” between the piles of stones, and coexist with them. The “Masonry School” translates the oral tradition of stone masonry into a form that anyone can understand, and puts its principles in to engineering practice in various regions of Japan.
Organizer: Terremoto|California, U.S.A.|2013-
建設会社Terremotoによる,ランドスケープ業界の「労働に対する認識の問題」についての提唱活動である. 建築家とデザイナーが仕事のすべての評価と地位を受け取っているという事実を批判し, ランドスケープデザイン界の舞台裏に,移民労働者たちの低賃金の肉体労働があることを指摘している.
“Land and Labor” is the advocacy initiative of Landscape architecture firm Terremoto, addressing Landscape Architecture’s “labor acknowledgment problem.” By criticizing the fact that architects and designers receive all of the attention and status for the work, Terremoto is showing the behind the scenes of landscape design; the manual labor of low-wage immigrant workers.
〈石積み学校/Dry Stone Walling School of Japan〉中
運営=一般社団法人石積み学校|徳島県|2013- | 石積み指導=真田純子(東京工業大学)
等高線を読んで石を積み, 農地・宅地・道をつくる土木技術は, 人間とそれ以外の関係を断ち切らない.石を積んだ隙間からは, 水や空気, 生き物が絶えず往来し, 共存している. 「石積み学校」では口伝だった技術を誰もがわかるように翻訳し, 工学的にその原理を捉え, 各地で石積みを実践する.
Organizer: Dry Stone Walling School of Japan|Tokushima, Japan|2013-|Masonry Instruction: Junko Sanada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
What if a civil engineering technology existed, which instead of severing the relationship between humans and the rest of the world, reads contour lines, piles stones, and creates farmlands, residential areas, and roads? Water, air, and living creatures constantly flow within the “gaps” between the piles of stones, and coexist with them. The “Masonry School” translates the oral tradition of stone masonry into a form that anyone can understand, and puts its principles in to engineering practice in various regions of Japan.
〈茅葺普請/Collective Thatching〉
設計=塚本由晴, アリソン理恵, 平尾しえな|茅葺指導=相良育弥(くさかんむり)|藁ぼっち制作指導=畑中亨|制作=平尾しえな, 大山亮|東京都|2022
茅葺屋根は集落内で育てた茅を用い, 修繕時に下ろされた古い茅は畑のマルチ・肥料として活用される,循環の象徴であった. 茅葺屋根の消失によってそうした循環も断ち切られたが, 辛うじて残る技術を継承しようとする動きが各地で起きている. ヨーロッパを中心に現代茅葺建築が続々と生まれる中, 日本における茅葺の意義と未来を問う.
Design: Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Rie Allison, Siena Hirao|Thatching Instruction: Ikuya Sagara/ KUSAKANMURI |Warabocchi Instruction: Toru Hatanaka|Production: Siena Hirao, Ryo Oyama|Tokyo, Japan|2022
Thatched roofs used to serve as a symbol of circularity, as thatch was grown in the village and old thatch taken down for repair was used as mulch and fertilizer for the fields. The disappearance of thatched roofs cut off this cycle, but there is a movement underway in many areas to carry on and preserve the disappearing traditional techniques. While modern thatched architecture is increasingly gaining favor in Europe and elsewhere, this exhibition examines the significance of thatch in Japan and its future.
設計=塚本由晴, アリソン理恵, 平尾しえな|茅葺指導=相良育弥(くさかんむり)|藁ぼっち制作指導=畑中亨|制作=平尾しえな, 大山亮|東京都|2022
茅葺屋根は集落内で育てた茅を用い, 修繕時に下ろされた古い茅は畑のマルチ・肥料として活用される,循環の象徴であった. 茅葺屋根の消失によってそうした循環も断ち切られたが, 辛うじて残る技術を継承しようとする動きが各地で起きている. ヨーロッパを中心に現代茅葺建築が続々と生まれる中, 日本における茅葺の意義と未来を問う.
Design: Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Rie Allison, Siena Hirao|Thatching Instruction: Ikuya Sagara/ KUSAKANMURI |Warabocchi Instruction: Toru Hatanaka|Production: Siena Hirao, Ryo Oyama|Tokyo, Japan|2022
Thatched roofs used to serve as a symbol of circularity, as thatch was grown in the village and old thatch taken down for repair was used as mulch and fertilizer for the fields. The disappearance of thatched roofs cut off this cycle, but there is a movement underway in many areas to carry on and preserve the disappearing traditional techniques. While modern thatched architecture is increasingly gaining favor in Europe and elsewhere, this exhibition examines the significance of thatch in Japan and its future.
photo: TOTO Gallery MA
photo: TOTO Gallery MA
〈Bicycle Urbanism〉
東京をあらゆる交通手段からなる生態系とみなすならば, これまでそれは車や鉄道, 歩行者の目線から捉えられてきた. 人間自体が動力となる身体性をもち,気候条件にも左右される自由で不自由な自転車からこの世界を眺め, 既存の都市を診断し, その処方を提案する, 「自転車乗りから見た世界」.
Planning & Design: Chiba Manabu Architects + Manabu Chiba Lab., The University of Tokyo|Tokyo, Japan|2020-
Tokyo has been viewed as an ecosystem consisting of all modes of transportation, predominantly giving emphasis to the perspective of cars, trains, and pedestrians. This “World from a Bicyclist’s Perspective” looks at urban planning from the viewpoint of bicycles, which have a physicality powered by humans themselves and are free and unfettered by climatic conditions, diagnosing the existing city and proposing a prescription for it.
東京をあらゆる交通手段からなる生態系とみなすならば, これまでそれは車や鉄道, 歩行者の目線から捉えられてきた. 人間自体が動力となる身体性をもち,気候条件にも左右される自由で不自由な自転車からこの世界を眺め, 既存の都市を診断し, その処方を提案する, 「自転車乗りから見た世界」.
Planning & Design: Chiba Manabu Architects + Manabu Chiba Lab., The University of Tokyo|Tokyo, Japan|2020-
Tokyo has been viewed as an ecosystem consisting of all modes of transportation, predominantly giving emphasis to the perspective of cars, trains, and pedestrians. This “World from a Bicyclist’s Perspective” looks at urban planning from the viewpoint of bicycles, which have a physicality powered by humans themselves and are free and unfettered by climatic conditions, diagnosing the existing city and proposing a prescription for it.
チューリッヒのサイクリストたちは, 市内のサイクリング・インフラストラクチャーを改善するために, 草の根的なプラットフォームを共有している. SNS「Bikeable」は市民と地方自治体の間の直接的なコミュニケーションを取り持つ. ユーザーが街中で見つけた「障害物」を投稿すると, それらの障害は市での議論を経て改善される.
Cyclists in Zurich share a grassroots platform to improve the cycling infrastructure of the city. In a social media-like format “Bikeable” is a way of direct communication between citizens and local authorities; the users post ‘obstacles’ they find, which then get fixed by the city.
チューリッヒのサイクリストたちは, 市内のサイクリング・インフラストラクチャーを改善するために, 草の根的なプラットフォームを共有している. SNS「Bikeable」は市民と地方自治体の間の直接的なコミュニケーションを取り持つ. ユーザーが街中で見つけた「障害物」を投稿すると, それらの障害は市での議論を経て改善される.
Cyclists in Zurich share a grassroots platform to improve the cycling infrastructure of the city. In a social media-like format “Bikeable” is a way of direct communication between citizens and local authorities; the users post ‘obstacles’ they find, which then get fixed by the city.
〈Community Toilets for SPARC〉
Planning & Design: RMA Architects|Mumbai, India|2012
RMA Architectsは, インド・ムンバイにおいて, デザインを通じて平等で公平な衛生を達成するという課題に取り組んでいる 「SPARC(NGO:The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers)のコミュニティトイレ」では, 政府による枠組みを見直し, トイレの効率を最大化し, 性別, 安全性, コミュニティの問題に対応している.
RMA Architects’ address Mumbai’s challenges to achieve equal and equitable sanitation through design. In “Community Toilets for SPARC (NGO: The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers)” a governmental framework is being reconfigured to maximize the efficiency of the toilets as well as to respond the questions of gender, safety and sense of community.
Planning & Design: RMA Architects|Mumbai, India|2012
RMA Architectsは, インド・ムンバイにおいて, デザインを通じて平等で公平な衛生を達成するという課題に取り組んでいる 「SPARC(NGO:The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers)のコミュニティトイレ」では, 政府による枠組みを見直し, トイレの効率を最大化し, 性別, 安全性, コミュニティの問題に対応している.
RMA Architects’ address Mumbai’s challenges to achieve equal and equitable sanitation through design. In “Community Toilets for SPARC (NGO: The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers)” a governmental framework is being reconfigured to maximize the efficiency of the toilets as well as to respond the questions of gender, safety and sense of community.
〈神水公衆浴場/Kuwamizu Sento〉
計画+設計=西村浩/ワークヴィジョンズ+竹味佑人建築設計室+黒岩構造設計事ム所| 熊本県熊本市|2020
構造設計家であるオーナーは, 2016年の熊本地震で被災した. 家族と住むマンションが半壊. 給水車や健康ランドに長蛇の列ができたことや, その一方で銭湯が復興できずに次々と潰れていく様子を目の当たりにして, 自宅の一部の機能である「風呂」を拡大して「公衆浴場」として自ら運営する選択をした. 家族は20時の閉店以降にやはりこの風呂に入り, 掃除をして番台にも座る.
Planning & Design: Hiroshi Nishimura / WORKVISIONS +Yuto Takemi Architects Workshop + Kuroiwa Structural Engineers|Kumamoto, Japan|2020
The owner, a structural designer, was greatly affected by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake when he and his family saw their house getting badly damaged. This experience paired with the witnessing of the longlines at the water truck and health spa, and on the other hand, the public bathhouses closing down one after another without being able to recover, made Mr. Kuroiwa and his family choose to expand the bath, which was part of their home’s function, and operate it themselves as a “public bathhouse.” The family still takes their bath after the 8pm closing time, cleans it, and sits at the reception’s desk.
計画+設計=西村浩/ワークヴィジョンズ+竹味佑人建築設計室+黒岩構造設計事ム所| 熊本県熊本市|2020
構造設計家であるオーナーは, 2016年の熊本地震で被災した. 家族と住むマンションが半壊. 給水車や健康ランドに長蛇の列ができたことや, その一方で銭湯が復興できずに次々と潰れていく様子を目の当たりにして, 自宅の一部の機能である「風呂」を拡大して「公衆浴場」として自ら運営する選択をした. 家族は20時の閉店以降にやはりこの風呂に入り, 掃除をして番台にも座る.
Planning & Design: Hiroshi Nishimura / WORKVISIONS +Yuto Takemi Architects Workshop + Kuroiwa Structural Engineers|Kumamoto, Japan|2020
The owner, a structural designer, was greatly affected by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake when he and his family saw their house getting badly damaged. This experience paired with the witnessing of the longlines at the water truck and health spa, and on the other hand, the public bathhouses closing down one after another without being able to recover, made Mr. Kuroiwa and his family choose to expand the bath, which was part of their home’s function, and operate it themselves as a “public bathhouse.” The family still takes their bath after the 8pm closing time, cleans it, and sits at the reception’s desk.
〈動いている庭/The Garden in Movement〉
[ 原題=Le Jardin en Mouvement]著者=Gilles Clément|出版社=Sens et Tonka|2007/2008|クレジット=Sens et Tonka éditeurs, 2007 / 2008 |日本語版=ジル・クレマン『動いている庭』山内朋樹訳|みすず書房|2015
「荒れ地」における植物のふるまいを活用しつつ, 土地を独自のダイナミズムに委ねることで庭をつくっていく. 庭師ジル・クレマン(1943-)の哲学は, 種の多様性, さまざまなエネルギーの混合, および展開される美しさを祝福することを通して, 豊かな進化を促進する.
[Original Title: Le Jardin en Mouvement ]Author: Gilles Clément|Publisher: Sens et Tonka|2007 /2008|Copyright: Sens et Tonka éditeurs, 2007 / 2008
Using the behavior of plants in a “wasteland” and leaving the land to its own dynamism, a gardener Gilles Clément (1943- ) creates a project-philosophy that encourages a rich evolution through the celebration of the diversity of species, the mixture of various energies, and the unfolding beauty of the plants.
[ 原題=Le Jardin en Mouvement]著者=Gilles Clément|出版社=Sens et Tonka|2007/2008|クレジット=Sens et Tonka éditeurs, 2007 / 2008 |日本語版=ジル・クレマン『動いている庭』山内朋樹訳|みすず書房|2015
「荒れ地」における植物のふるまいを活用しつつ, 土地を独自のダイナミズムに委ねることで庭をつくっていく. 庭師ジル・クレマン(1943-)の哲学は, 種の多様性, さまざまなエネルギーの混合, および展開される美しさを祝福することを通して, 豊かな進化を促進する.
[Original Title: Le Jardin en Mouvement ]Author: Gilles Clément|Publisher: Sens et Tonka|2007 /2008|Copyright: Sens et Tonka éditeurs, 2007 / 2008
Using the behavior of plants in a “wasteland” and leaving the land to its own dynamism, a gardener Gilles Clément (1943- ) creates a project-philosophy that encourages a rich evolution through the celebration of the diversity of species, the mixture of various energies, and the unfolding beauty of the plants.
〈15-Minute City〉左
パリ市のアンヌ・イダルゴ市長が「15-Minute City」を掲げて, 2024年までにパリの通りから7万台の自動車を除去することを約束し, フランス国内および全世界に大きな影響を与えた. 近隣環境をベースにして都市の再編成を促すこのモデルは, 世界中で急速に実装されつつある.
Researchers: Tsuyoshi Tane + Anastasia Gkoliomyti
“The 15-Minute City” made an impact to France and the world when Mayor Anne Hildalgo committed to remove 70,000 cars from the streets of Paris by2024. This model is rapidly being implemented across the globe, inspiring the reorganizing of the city based on proximity.
〈Floating Farm〉右
Organizer: Goldsmith Company|Rotterdam, Netherlands|2019
オランダ西部, ロッテルダムのメールウェ港に浮かぶ「Floating Farm」は, 船の原理に基づいてつくられた水上農業施設である. 気候変動の影響を受けにくく, 都市と結び付いた食料生産システムであり, 今後の海面上昇により農地の洪水被害の拡大が見込まれる未来に向けて設計されている.
“Floating Farm” is an agricultural water-borne structure based on nautical principles. Positioned in Merwehaven port, Rotterdam, it is a food production system less vulnerable to climate change, connected to the city, and designed for a future where rising sea levels mean that farmland is increasingly impeded due to flooding.
パリ市のアンヌ・イダルゴ市長が「15-Minute City」を掲げて, 2024年までにパリの通りから7万台の自動車を除去することを約束し, フランス国内および全世界に大きな影響を与えた. 近隣環境をベースにして都市の再編成を促すこのモデルは, 世界中で急速に実装されつつある.
Researchers: Tsuyoshi Tane + Anastasia Gkoliomyti
“The 15-Minute City” made an impact to France and the world when Mayor Anne Hildalgo committed to remove 70,000 cars from the streets of Paris by2024. This model is rapidly being implemented across the globe, inspiring the reorganizing of the city based on proximity.
〈Floating Farm〉右
Organizer: Goldsmith Company|Rotterdam, Netherlands|2019
オランダ西部, ロッテルダムのメールウェ港に浮かぶ「Floating Farm」は, 船の原理に基づいてつくられた水上農業施設である. 気候変動の影響を受けにくく, 都市と結び付いた食料生産システムであり, 今後の海面上昇により農地の洪水被害の拡大が見込まれる未来に向けて設計されている.
“Floating Farm” is an agricultural water-borne structure based on nautical principles. Positioned in Merwehaven port, Rotterdam, it is a food production system less vulnerable to climate change, connected to the city, and designed for a future where rising sea levels mean that farmland is increasingly impeded due to flooding.
〈東京湾計画/Tokyo Bay Plan〉
設計+制作=菊竹清訓|東京都|1961|協力=情報建築, 国立近現代建築資料館
菊竹清訓(1926-2011)の「東京湾計画」(1961)は,彼の仕事の中ではあまり知られていないが, 度重なる江東地区の洪水に言及した一連の提案は, 独自の視点を示す. この提案における彼のメタボリズムのアイデアは, 並外れた美しさと回復力を秘めた庭へと東京湾を変換するというような, 牧歌的なヴィジョンとは一線を画している.
Planning & Drawing: Kiyonori Kikutake | Tokyo, Japan | 1961 | Cooperation: Joho Kenchiku, National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs
Kikutake Kiyonori (1926–2011) created a series of visionary proposals with a unique take on modern life with his lesser-known Tokyo Bay plan(1961),addressing the frequent flooding in Kōtō ward. His Metabolism betrays a pastoral vision for the transformation of the bay into a garden of extraordinary beauty and restorative power.
〈藤村記念堂/Toson Memorial Hall〉
設計=谷口吉郎|岐阜県|1947|写真=菊池重三郎, 平山忠治|図面提供=谷口建築設計研究所, 谷口吉郎・吉生記念 金沢建築館|協力=新建築社
「藤村記念堂」は, 中山道の旧宿場町馬籠出身の文豪・島崎藤村の生家で, 1895年の明治大火で焼失した元陣屋の焼け跡に, 戦中に亡くなった藤村を偲んで村人総出で普請された文学館である. 建設は1947年, 戦後の資材不足の最中にあらゆる寄贈を受け, あるいは周囲の山川から資源を調達し, 女性や子どもたちも材料運搬を担った.
Design: Yoshiro Taniguchi | Gifu, Japan | 1947 | Photo: Shigesaburo Kikuchi, Chuji Hirayama | Drawing: Taniguchi and Associates, Yoshiro and Yoshio Taniguchi Museum of Architecture, Kanazawa|Cooperation: Shinkenchiku-Sha Co., Ltd.
The Toson Memorial Hall is a museum of literature built by the villagers in memory of Shimazaki Toson, who was born in Magome, a former post town on the Nakasendo Highway, and died during the war. The building was constructed in 1947, during the postwar materials shortage, with the help of all kinds of donations and resources from the surrounding mountains and rivers, and women and children were also responsible for transporting materials.
〈Wheatfield - A Confrontation〉
Title: Agnes Denes in Wheatfield – A Confrontation | Artist: Agnes Denes | sNew York, U.S.A. | 1982 Copyright Agnes Denes, Courtesy Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects, New York
芸術家アグネス・デネス(1931-)は1982年, NYバッテリーパークの埋め立て地に, 2エーカー分の小麦を植えた. ウォール街からわずかな距離にあるこの土地は当時42億ドルの資産価値があり, 巨大な住宅プロジェクトの開発計画が持ち上がっていた. 4か月後に収穫された1,000ポンド分の小麦は世界を旅し,人間の価値に対する問い掛けとともに, 「優先順位に対する認識の違い」として注目を集めた.
In 1982, an artist Agnes Denes (1931- ) planted a two-acre wheat-field at the Battery Park landfill, then worth 4.2 billion dollars and meant for the development plan of a huge residential project, just a short distance from Wall Street. After 4 months, 1,000pounds of wheat were harvested and travelled the world, paired up with questionnaires concerning human values, calling attention to our “misplaced priorities.”
〈東京湾計画/Tokyo Bay Plan〉
設計+制作=菊竹清訓|東京都|1961|協力=情報建築, 国立近現代建築資料館
菊竹清訓(1926-2011)の「東京湾計画」(1961)は,彼の仕事の中ではあまり知られていないが, 度重なる江東地区の洪水に言及した一連の提案は, 独自の視点を示す. この提案における彼のメタボリズムのアイデアは, 並外れた美しさと回復力を秘めた庭へと東京湾を変換するというような, 牧歌的なヴィジョンとは一線を画している.
Planning & Drawing: Kiyonori Kikutake | Tokyo, Japan | 1961 | Cooperation: Joho Kenchiku, National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs
Kikutake Kiyonori (1926–2011) created a series of visionary proposals with a unique take on modern life with his lesser-known Tokyo Bay plan(1961),addressing the frequent flooding in Kōtō ward. His Metabolism betrays a pastoral vision for the transformation of the bay into a garden of extraordinary beauty and restorative power.
〈藤村記念堂/Toson Memorial Hall〉
設計=谷口吉郎|岐阜県|1947|写真=菊池重三郎, 平山忠治|図面提供=谷口建築設計研究所, 谷口吉郎・吉生記念 金沢建築館|協力=新建築社
「藤村記念堂」は, 中山道の旧宿場町馬籠出身の文豪・島崎藤村の生家で, 1895年の明治大火で焼失した元陣屋の焼け跡に, 戦中に亡くなった藤村を偲んで村人総出で普請された文学館である. 建設は1947年, 戦後の資材不足の最中にあらゆる寄贈を受け, あるいは周囲の山川から資源を調達し, 女性や子どもたちも材料運搬を担った.
Design: Yoshiro Taniguchi | Gifu, Japan | 1947 | Photo: Shigesaburo Kikuchi, Chuji Hirayama | Drawing: Taniguchi and Associates, Yoshiro and Yoshio Taniguchi Museum of Architecture, Kanazawa|Cooperation: Shinkenchiku-Sha Co., Ltd.
The Toson Memorial Hall is a museum of literature built by the villagers in memory of Shimazaki Toson, who was born in Magome, a former post town on the Nakasendo Highway, and died during the war. The building was constructed in 1947, during the postwar materials shortage, with the help of all kinds of donations and resources from the surrounding mountains and rivers, and women and children were also responsible for transporting materials.
〈Wheatfield - A Confrontation〉
Title: Agnes Denes in Wheatfield – A Confrontation | Artist: Agnes Denes | sNew York, U.S.A. | 1982 Copyright Agnes Denes, Courtesy Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects, New York
芸術家アグネス・デネス(1931-)は1982年, NYバッテリーパークの埋め立て地に, 2エーカー分の小麦を植えた. ウォール街からわずかな距離にあるこの土地は当時42億ドルの資産価値があり, 巨大な住宅プロジェクトの開発計画が持ち上がっていた. 4か月後に収穫された1,000ポンド分の小麦は世界を旅し,人間の価値に対する問い掛けとともに, 「優先順位に対する認識の違い」として注目を集めた.
In 1982, an artist Agnes Denes (1931- ) planted a two-acre wheat-field at the Battery Park landfill, then worth 4.2 billion dollars and meant for the development plan of a huge residential project, just a short distance from Wall Street. After 4 months, 1,000pounds of wheat were harvested and travelled the world, paired up with questionnaires concerning human values, calling attention to our “misplaced priorities.”
〈How to Settle on Earth〉
[原題=Comment habiter la terre]著者=Yona Friedman|出版社=Editions de lʼéclat,France|1976|クレジット=Dotation Yona Friedman|協力=Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
建築家・都市計画家のヨナ・フリードマン(1923-2020)は, 持続可能性と継続性に関する現代の課題に対処するためには, 地球の再編成が必要だとしている. フリードマンは漫画のように連続するイラストを用いながら現代社会の成り立ちについて言及し, 人間 / 自然, 廃棄物 / 生産, 市民 / 農家, 競争 / 多様性などの重要な連立項の, ラディカルな変容を提案している.
[Original Title: Comment habiter la terre] Author: Yona Friedman|Publisher: Editions de l’éclat,France|1976|Copyright: Dotation Yona Friedman|Cooperation: Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
According to Architect / City planner, Yona Friedman(1923-2020), the reorganization of the earth is necessary to address contemporary challenges on sustainability and ongoing-ness. Using visual storytelling to comment on contemporary society’s ways of organization, he proposes radical transformations within important binaries such as human/nature, waste/production, citizen/farmer, and competition/diversity.
[原題=Comment habiter la terre]著者=Yona Friedman|出版社=Editions de lʼéclat,France|1976|クレジット=Dotation Yona Friedman|協力=Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
建築家・都市計画家のヨナ・フリードマン(1923-2020)は, 持続可能性と継続性に関する現代の課題に対処するためには, 地球の再編成が必要だとしている. フリードマンは漫画のように連続するイラストを用いながら現代社会の成り立ちについて言及し, 人間 / 自然, 廃棄物 / 生産, 市民 / 農家, 競争 / 多様性などの重要な連立項の, ラディカルな変容を提案している.
[Original Title: Comment habiter la terre] Author: Yona Friedman|Publisher: Editions de l’éclat,France|1976|Copyright: Dotation Yona Friedman|Cooperation: Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
According to Architect / City planner, Yona Friedman(1923-2020), the reorganization of the earth is necessary to address contemporary challenges on sustainability and ongoing-ness. Using visual storytelling to comment on contemporary society’s ways of organization, he proposes radical transformations within important binaries such as human/nature, waste/production, citizen/farmer, and competition/diversity.
〈A tree; a corporation; a person.〉
Organizer: terra0|Carnegie Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.| 2022
リモートセンシングや機械学習, DLT(分散型台帳技術)は, 自然の生態系を管理するためのツール開発にも採用されている. terra0は「A tree; a corporation; a person.」において, 法律の限界やブロックチェーン技術, さらには暗号投資などを用いて, 木自身が自分を所有できるような枠組みをつくる実験を行っている.
Remote sensing, machine learning, and distributed ledger technology are employed to develop tools for the management of natural ecosystems. In “A tree; a corporation; a person.,” terra0 is experimenting with the limits of legislation, block-chain technology and crypto-investing to create a framework where by a tree can own itself.
Organizer: terra0|Carnegie Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.| 2022
リモートセンシングや機械学習, DLT(分散型台帳技術)は, 自然の生態系を管理するためのツール開発にも採用されている. terra0は「A tree; a corporation; a person.」において, 法律の限界やブロックチェーン技術, さらには暗号投資などを用いて, 木自身が自分を所有できるような枠組みをつくる実験を行っている.
Remote sensing, machine learning, and distributed ledger technology are employed to develop tools for the management of natural ecosystems. In “A tree; a corporation; a person.,” terra0 is experimenting with the limits of legislation, block-chain technology and crypto-investing to create a framework where by a tree can own itself.
左から田根剛 / Tsuyosi Tane, 千葉学 / Manabu Chiba, 塚本由晴 / Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, セン・クアン / Seng Kuan
左から田根剛 / Tsuyosi Tane, 千葉学 / Manabu Chiba, 塚本由晴 / Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, セン・クアン / Seng Kuan
【How is Life?――地球と生きるためのデザイン】
How is Life? ―Designing for our Earth / TOTO GALLERY・MA
会場:TOTOギャラリー・間(東京都港区南青山1-24-3 TOTO乃木坂)
Posted by Neoplus Sixten Inc.
How is Life? ―Designing for our Earth / TOTO GALLERY・MA
会場:TOTOギャラリー・間(東京都港区南青山1-24-3 TOTO乃木坂)
Posted by Neoplus Sixten Inc.